Trampoline & Tumbling Team
Competitive classes are broken into 2 programs. The T&T Team, and T&T Team Developmental. Registration for T&T Team Developmental is upon invitation or after graduation from recreational class Level 3.
• T&T Team Developmental is for students ages 6 and up working on USAG Levels 4-7. Students who have completed recreational Level 3 requirements are also able to join. This team has opportunities for State and Regional Competitions as well as Clinics & local Training Camps.
• T&T Team is for students USAG Level 8 - Elite. The T&T Competative Team will have opportunities for State, Regional, National and International Competitions as well as Clinics & Training Camps.
Our goal is to develop World Class athletes whose goals are to compete at World Cups, World Championships, and the Olympic Games.